This week instead of writing a blog I decided to do a video blog. So instead of reading, just grab a cup of coffee or a nice hot beverage and sit back, relax, and enjoy the video. It is a follow-up from last week’s blog about Merlin’s first year with me and all he has accomplished so far. It’s only a ...
Recently, I was trying to remember what my first training experience was, how old I was, and was it my cat, dog, or horse. After much thought, I remembered… It was actually my baby brother, Bryan. I was 15 years old and my brother was about 12 months old. He had just started saying his first words. His first word was ...
Do you own a Friesian or are looking to purchase one? I’ve worked with and trained a few Friesians during my time and I have to say that they have always been my dream horse. I have loved every horse I have ever owned or trained. But there was always something different about a Friesian. To me that is. There are ...
What are your top 3 “Tools of the Trade”? I was talking with one of my friends the other day and we were talking about the different kinds of halters out there and what kind to use and when to use them. She was getting a lot of different answers which actually caused her to have more questions. I’ve become so ...
Finding balance is great, but how do we do it? What’s the key to finding a balance with your horse? How do you find balance when you are doing different activities with your horse such as riding, hanging out, and training? The answer to all of these questions is Mindfulness. Definition of Mindfulness: The quality or state of being conscious or ...
Well, here are some questions to ask yourself if you are wondering about the necessity of groundwork… Do you want a good solid foundation before you get in the saddle? Do you want to have a loving and trusting relationship with your horse? Do you want to feel confident when you go for a ride? Do you want your horse to ...